We help you in times of crises, anxiety, depressive moods, difficulties with the home office, social isolation, conflicts and questions of personal development, career planning and professional cooperation. At the moment, consultations are offered online, by phone or on site. Appointments for all forms of consultation must be arranged in advance by phone with the Office (Secretariat).
- You can request a counselling session with one of our specialists for us to address your questions and concerns individually. To do this you need to make an appointment by telephone at the secretariat. It is not possible to make an appointment for counseling by e-mail.
- You can also approach us via our e-mail counselling service. This might concern a practical or personal issue. You will normally receive an answer from us within a week at the latest.
- For feedback (suggestions, corrections, questions) concerning the study guide and the range of online information provided by the Counselling Centre, please contact the editor responsible.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays until 4:30 p.m.
The Counselling Centre is also open during the semester vacation, but closed on weekends and general holidays.
More information